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Lindsy Emery
If you've watched the news or read a magazine in the last few weeks, you've probably heard about a new initiative by the Obama administration which will help moms, single or married, who want to return to school. Government bailout programs are dealing with many problems that we as Americans face, but the Government Pell Grant program is something else altogether. This program is particularly geared toward moms who may have put their dreams of college graduation on hold. They willingly sacrificed their plans so that their own children would not have to endure the struggles of financial insecurity.

Many people are unaware of the money that is available to moms, mainly because these funds are available to men as well. Anyone who can not afford to pay for college expenses can apply for a Federal Pell Grant. Even though this is an existing fund, many people are not aware of its availability.

You may assume that with the economy in its current slump, this is not a good time to think about returning to school. This kind of thinking is probably more prevalent among moms than anyone else. Working moms have a lot to juggle; finances, child care issues, car maintenance, clothing and other necessities. How can a woman in this situation even imagine that returning to school can become a reality?

Eventually, the economy is going to improve and when it does there will be a lot of jobs available. Some of these positions will only be available to people who have college degrees. What better way to start preparing for those good days ahead by inquiring into the programs that are available to you. This process takes some thought but does not cost you anything. And even after you have applied you are not bound by any contractual agreements until you receive the funds. If you do elect to go on the school, you will be laying the groundwork for a job search that may well end with you getting a job you have always wanted.

Did you know you can get a $10,000 scholarship for Moms just for registering? Apply right now for free: Scholarships for Moms
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