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Dr. Kamran Khazaei
What is endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a simple procedure that treats heavy periods in women by removing some of the inner lining of the uterus using laser, microwaves, heated water or radio frequency waves. During menstruation, some women experience abnormally excessive bleeding that can affect their lifestyle, besides resulting in health problems such as anemia, fatigue and breathlessness.

When endometrial ablation is considered

If prescription medication does not control heavy bleeding, endometrial ablation is a possible treatment option. It works by “ablating” or destroying a thin layer of the womb, reducing or stopping the menstrual flow.
Endometrial ablation must first be discussed with your doctor who will assess whether you are a good candidate for the procedure and also advise you about the risks and side effects. If you use an intrauterine device you will be asked to remove it.
What to expect during endometrial ablation

The process begins with “endometrial biopsy” where the lining of the uterus is tested for cancer. Other tests likely to be advised are hysteroscopy to see inside the uterus and ultrasonography to check the pelvic organs.

The procedure itself is quick and done as outpatient surgery or in the doctor’s office and you can go home to rest the same day. Local or general anesthesia is used depending on the methods used for endometrial ablation in Elizabeth, NJ or Newark. Endometrial ablation does not require incisions.
After the procedure, patients usually experience some cramping similar to menstrual cramps for a couple of days along with a thin watery, bloody discharge for a few weeks. There may also be some nausea and frequent urination for a day.

The doctor who performs the endometrial ablation in Elizabeth or Newark NJ, will prescribe pain medication and advise you about when it is safe to get back to your normal activities.

What are the risks with endometrial ablation?
While endometrial ablation is generally a safe procedure, it is not advised for women who are pregnant or are planning to have children, women past menopause and women with medical conditions such as uterus disorders, cancer, recent pregnancy or infection.
The procedure carries a minor risk of infection and bleeding. Most of the side effects such as feeling sick, experiencing some cramping and pain are temporary. The complications likely after the procedure are:

• Reaction to anesthesia
• Excessive bleeding
• Blood clots in a vein in the leg
• Inflammation in the uterus lining
• Urinary tract infection
• Damage to uterus or bowel requiring additional surgery
• Heated liquids causing burns in the vagina, skin or uterus

There is a chance that your periods could stop after the procedure. If you plan on becoming pregnant after the procedure you face the risk of miscarriages. Also, women who have undergone endometrial ablation must use birth control until after menopause to avoid the complications of getting pregnant.

To know if endometrial ablation can work for you, it is best to discuss it with your doctor since the side effects and risks can vary between individuals.
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