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Dr. Kamran Khazaei
Prenatal care is the medical care pregnant women receive, before and during their pregnancy.

Prenatal care in Newark is critical because it helps identify existing and potential problems, so that they can be treated to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy. Most pregnant women think about prenatal care during their first trimester, but doctors recommend starting prenatal care at least three months before you plan to conceive. This will help you prepare your body for the pregnancy and also make sure that you have a healthy baby.
What does prenatal care involve?
During prenatal care in Newark, there are monthly visits to the doctor for the first twenty eight weeks of pregnancy. From week 28 to 36, the visits are every two weeks. Then until the baby is born, there are weekly visits. Prenatal care continues for a few weeks after the baby is born.
In the first trimester, prenatal visits include a complete physical examination including the measurement of your heart rate, blood pressure and weight gain. Blood and urine samples are collected for medical tests. These are:
• Blood work to check blood type, anemia, Rh factor and immunity to diseases
• Urine tests to check for sugar and protein to detect diabetes, kidney changes
• Pap tests to identify changes in the cervix to detect cancer
You also receive advice regarding a healthy lifestyle, good eating habits, exercise and supplementary vitamins, folic acid and calcium. The doctor will inquire about your family health history, prior pregnancies, current treatments, and existing medical conditions. You will know when your baby is due and get answers to all your questions about your pregnancy.
During the follow up visits there are urine tests along with the measurement of blood pressure and weight to ensure there is proper weight gain. About twelve weeks into the pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat is checked, along with the size and position of the uterus and fetus.
The benefits of prenatal care
Prenatal care goes beyond keeping track of the mother’s weight and diet. The baby’s health is also monitored inside the womb. There are many benefits when you receive the right prenatal care. These are:
• Problems that develop from pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, inadequate weight gain, and high blood pressure can be harmful to your baby. During prenatal visits, these can be diagnosed and treated in time.
• Prenatal care allows the doctor to track the baby’s health through its heart beat, size and positioning and check for birth defects.
• Conditions identified during prenatal visits can be treated before the baby is born.
Regular and timely prenatal care in Newark facilitates a healthy pregnancy. Good prenatal care avoids pregnancy problems such as low birth weight, miscarriages, stillbirths and fatality. Prenatal care also educates the mother-to-be and her family about the various facets of pregnancy, prepare
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