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Demetrius Gill
Funny Cat Stories And Extraordinary Advice

Anyone who has owned a feline has funny cat stories to share. Cats don't have to pretend to be humorous, their natural behavior comes out in sometimes an unnatural way. Especially if they are put together with other animals or even kids.

It's a proven fact that having cats can reduce stress and high blood pressure. But it's also a fact that owning cats can make a person laugh more. Before welcoming a kitty into the home, make sure that this is a life long decision for the whole family. Indoor cats can live upwards of seventeen years or more.

Some new kittens can bring laughter into the home as soon as their paws hit the carpet. Whether they end up being a singer, a gymnast, or the curtain climber extraordinaire - kittens keep their owners on their toes. There are ways to train kittens, but sometimes they just do whatever they feel like doing. Kittens can entertain themselves with a variety of household items: boots, shopping bags, yarn, and even shoe laces.

Many of the funniest videos seen on television revolve around pets and the strange things they do. There are no shortage of tales when it comes to pet owners and their best furry friends. They can be found on television or online. There are even blogs set up specifically for cat tales.

Cats can do acrobatics when interacting with swooping birds, playful puppies, other felines invading their territory, or their human owners. They can chase a pen light like they're crazy, or attack a piece of string like it was dipped in liquid catnip. Even though they sleep an average of sixteen hours a day, the other eight hours are full of entertaining energy.

So, many people have funny cat stories to share. Cats are entertaining and soothing to their owners. Felines are generally low maintenance, but they are a long term commitment. It's easy to find funny cat stories from other owners online or on television.
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