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This unit was specially designed in order to help meet the requirements of both commercial and independent video makers. With this kit, video makers will be able to achieve practically any type of shot. If you are looking to get rid of expensive and heavy camera dollies, you will need to check out the slider.
One of the best features about the Linear Camera Slider is that it is quite convenient and super compact, and it only takes just a few seconds for it to be assembled. Within a few seconds, the slider can be assembled and ready to capture video images. Additionally, it will be quite easy for you to reset your tripod in various positions, so that you will be able to start capturing video images again. In order to create a great video shoot, you can mount a fluid head on to the slider, so that it will be able to produce a lot more positions and angles.
This camera plate is considered to be a universal plate, as it can be utilized on practically all types of cameras. You will only be able to use a single tripod when utilizing small cameras on this compact slider; however, you will need to use two tripods when you are shooting with larger cameras, so that you will be able to balance the weight on the two sides.
The Follow Focus V1is able to follow in the focus puller’s directions; meaning that it can determine how and when to adjust the focus on various types of subjects, in addition to being able to alter the focus during the camera’s movement on a specific subject, once the subject is being placed at a completely different angle, or does not fall within the camera’s center frame. The locking system (which is adjustable) is directly attached to 15mm rods.
Features of this slider with a mini rail system include:
• Ability to fit a majority of lenses that have the correct focus gear drive (transposable gear drives).
• Enables focused lenses to be used and geared with focus industry standard of 0.8 module.
• Positional indicator
• 60mm difference from center to center (ability to mount on 15mm rod support).
• A mounting mechanism that is adjustable, and that is capable of fitting to any lens diameter; additionally, it has a locking system that is also adjustable.
• For accurate and slip-free movement, the design is entirely gear driven.
Included in the kit are five donuts that have diameters of 54mm, 65mm, 75mm, 78mm and 81mm. The matte box’s outer diameter is 95mm.
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