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Dr. Kamran Khazaei
Cosmetic laser surgery in New Jersey is popularly recommended because of its various advantages. If you are planning to undergo this procedure, learning the risks and benefits involved will help you take an informed decision. Cosmetic laser surgery is used for various purposes such as removing extra fat deposits, treating hair fall, removing scars and tattoos, vascular spiders and more.

The pros of cosmetic laser surgery in New Jersey
Cosmetic laser surgery is highly focused around a specific area helping surgeons treat certain parts of the skin without affecting the area around them. These procedures are usually bloodless and fast and consequently, the healing is quicker compared with traditional cosmetic surgery. There are shorter hospital stays. It is a high precision procedure that can remove tissue without contact and minimum trauma to the patient. Scarring is also prevented. Since the laser is bactericidal or kills bacteria, the wounds caused by laser surgery are sterile. As the laser goes deep into the tissues, the healing process is faster.
Laser is the ideal option for tumors or other problems tough to access or when underlying organs are likely to be affected with traditional surgery
The potential risks with cosmetic surgery in New Jersey
The cosmetic surgeon performing the laser surgery usually takes all the necessary precautions. In spite of this, there are risks of pain, redness of the skin, some temporary bruising and inflammation. The doctor uses cooling devices with lasers to prevent this. Some laser surgeries can cause burns, infections and blisters or a color change in the skin but these are rare. Choosing the right laser surgeon is important to ensure that the right instruments and devices are used to get the planned results. During laser treatments, doctors advise wearing eye protection to avoid eye damage.
Besides the above, cosmetic laser surgery in New Jersey can be costly. Find out if you are the right candidate for the procedure and be realistic in terms of results as this can be different for different people. Check how many sessions you need for your treatment. Depending on the treatment involved, some people need fewer sessions than others. Certain treatments are likely to require rigorous follow up and care and longer recovery than others.
Can you minimize your risks with cosmetic laser surgery in New Jersey?
Although cosmetic laser surgery has its pros and cons, the risks involved can be minimized by first finding out whether this procedure is the right solution to your problem. Check for the amount of recovery time and after surgery care required. Think about whether the benefits described to you by your doctor are worth it. Ensure that you choose a trained, skilled and experienced surgeon to do the cosmetic laser surgery in New Jersey. Get enough references to satisfy yourself that the surgeon you choose will give you the results you expect. This will help minimize your risks. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after the procedure. This includes avoiding tanning before and after the treatment as it can reduce the effectiveness.
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