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Article Author:
Kermit Phillips
Technology has transformed the world and sociable ties. Undoubtedly, we're right now much more interconnected online and social networks, which has been generated, oftentimes, more prone to arrange and act collectively.
Nevertheless, it's also true that many acts of violence and discrimination are amplified by technology.
You will find growing cases of harassment, surveillance, cyber, violation of privacy and electronic violence focusing on groups on the Internet, because of their gender or sexual identity and politics. Perhaps the most detrimental is its invisibility. A number of these experiences are not counted or even recorded. This invisibility contains an apparent acceptance that covers further proliferation of such methods, particularly in a specific team: women.
Since the business Association for Progressive Communications is taking place, until 10 December, ArmA campaign map. Closing violence. Take Back the actual Tech! whose aim is to ask activists to collect evidence as well as expand the identification of violence against women which contain or have contained technology.
What's involved? The concept is to reveal experiences and knowledge upon violence against women through the tales themselves, ask friends or acquaintances to share your story or join additional women to document the cases which were openly reported.
How to collaborate? By adding info on the map from the online platform from the Tech! It's a virtual chart to join up this new type of violence as well as aggression in blogs, pictures and dissemination theft by social networks, sending violence through email, amongst others. You are able to do as instructed around the page to add the story or even information.
To follow along with the game from the marketing campaign you can visit their social media profiles
@ DominemoslasTIC Facebook group or the Tech
To spread the campaign on Twitter that can be done underneath the hashtags Number 16days # # mapeviolencia takebackthetech dominemoslastic #, Number mapealo, # bastadeacoso, # or # niunamas derechoadecidir - -
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