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Dharmesh Talaviya

One of the integral parts of the Windows is the .NET framework and it helps in the operation of the next generation application as well as web services. The basic elements in the .NET framework are the common language runtime and it also encompasses various other elements like ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) under the head of .NET framework class library.

Added features of the .NET framework 4.5 Developer that .Net developers can use include:

Metro Style Applications

This feature will increase the power of the windows operating system and has been created to meet specific needs. With the use of C or Visual Basic it’s possible for .Net developers to create a subset of the .NET framework called .NET APIs that will in turn be used in Metro Style Applications.

Improved features

The following are the added features that enhance the performance of .NET framework classes and thereby help outsourced .net development companies:

  • Could limit the length of the regular expression engine that attempts to resolve another regular expression engine

  • The application domain and its culture can be clearly defined

  • Unicode encoding is supported by the Console

  • Retrieving of resources is much better

  • Size of the file could be reduced through Zip compression

  • Comparing of data and versioning of cultural string is also well supported

  • Extensibility framework is made available to .net developers

  • File Operation and synchronisation

  • Web support features

.Net framework networking features for outsourced .net development teams

A new programming language is found that will be used as an interface for the HTTP applications. System.Net and System.Net.Mail will find significant improvements in the following manner:

  • IPv6 support is improved

  • RFC compliant URI support is possible

  • Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) parsing is supported

  • Email Address Internationalization (EAI) is also supported

Windows Presentation Foundation

The following areas have been improved in the .NET framework 4.5 Developer to help .net developers

  • In order to implement the ribbon user interface a ribbon control has been introduced with which you can host Quick Access Toolbar, Application Menu, and tabs.

  • Synchronous and asynchronous data validation is supported by INotifyDataErrorInfo interface.

  • Added features to support VirtualizingPanel and Dispatcher classes

  • Large sets of data could be retrieved much efficiently

  • Retrieval of data binding information is made possible through the ICustomTypeProvider interface

  • The data will change corresponding to the changes in the values

  • Improved integration of the component of WPF and Win32.

  • Can check for the connectivity of the data context for any particular item container

  • Time schedule could be set between changes in the property and the updating of the data source

Windows communication foundation

The following new features make it easier for the .NET developers to write and maintain the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications:

  • Generated configuration files are in the simplified format

  • ASP.NET compatibility mode could be set much easily

  • Configuring of the services to the codes could be well supported

  • Support for ChannelFactory caching and Binary encoder compression for outsourced .net development teams

Windows Workflow foundation

The following features have been added by the .net developers in the .NET framework 4.5

  • State machine workflows could be created

  • Better design features for enhanced workflow

  • C expression is supported

  • Enhancements in the versioning

  • Development of the contract first workflow that will pick up the matching activities for a particular service contract

For More Info:- ASP.Net Development | .Net Framework Developers
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