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'Success Stories - 12 Doers Share Their Secrets'
Article Author:
Martin Avis
This week's interview takes us all the way to Australia. Quentin Brown is 49 and lives in Brisbane. His ultimate aim is to become a fully paid missionary working with children around the world by using his Internet business to support orphanages, mobile medical centers and schools. At present he works for an Australian-based international aid organization as a network and administration manager.
BizE-zine: Quentin, when did you first get involved with the Internet?
QB: In 1996 I moved to Brisbane from Sydney after a failed business venture. Australia experienced a recession where interest rates topped 24% and this devastated me. I was nearly broke so I used the Internet to investigate different ways of making money.
The skills I gained doing this helped me in my new job and I started to build their web site. I found that so many people were interested I spent endless nights building web sites for free and learning all I could.
In 1999 I purchase my first .com called and have used it ever since.
BizE-zine: What does the MS stand for?
QB: MS stands for Multiple Stream. I learnt very early in my time on the Internet that selling one product will never get you the income you need. I guess the secret is to find a good product mix to cater to a wide variety of people. You don't find many traditional businesses just selling one product.
BizE-zine: Your site is very good, but how has it developed since you started out?
QB: Initially, it was very simple. I borrowed ideas from here and there. It was what we call a homepage. Not very specific and advertised pretty well everything I could find. I learnt fairly quickly that you don't make money from these sites. They are good for the ego but not the pocket.
I spent time learning how to make my own graphics and develop my web site into a selling machine by looking at the professionals. A selling web site needs to be simple and load quickly.
There are some great tutorials around to teach you the basics and then it is just a matter of trial and error.
One of the greatest problems is that we spend so much time on our sites that we get sick of them. Or too familiar. Then it's a good idea to get your peers to evaluate it for you. My wife is also a great critic. She is not very computer literate and if she can understand and navigate through my latest creation, I'm happy.
The biggest change in the site is not so much in presentation, but in specifics. I don't build so much to please myself now, but to sell. My backend is my place to play. Once a person joins our program through the subscription they enter a realm where I can play and do all the stuff I love. We have time to try new technology and bounce ideas off one another. It is a community and everything is far more relaxed.
BizE-zine: What was the spark that pushed you into starting up online?
QB: My first experience was with a program called Alladvantage which was an advertising bar you ran on your computer. My first check was $53 and took me three months to get. It was so exciting because I hadn't paid out anything to get it. It was particularly sweet because a few years ago I had lost over half a million on a traditional business and here I was making money with virtually no investment.
In 1999 I was becoming more and more frustrated because I wanted to be more involved in helping people with their web sites, but my job with Global Care and an International magazine was taking up all my time. I decided that if I could write a book and teach people how to do it themselves than I could be a lot more efficient.
After looking at how much it costs to publish a traditional book I became very disheartened till I found Allen Says's Internet Warriors site.
Here I was able to talk to so many different people and I was introduced to Ebooks. I met Jimmy Brown who produced an ebook compiling program for a price I could afford. Then I started to develop "My Website".
I also developed a number of other programs in the same vein such as "My Ebook" and "My Templates" which goes through the whole process from writing to cover design and marketing.
BizE-zine: You really went for it! Was there a defining moment for you that put everything into place?
QB: I guess that happened when I met Robert Kiyosaki. I had just read his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and had a chance to have a very exclusive luncheon with him through the magazine I was involved in. I was able to sit and listen to him talk about the whole concept and asked all sorts of questions. I started to apply the principles he taught.
BizE-zine: I have read, and been impressed with his book. Which principles of his have you specifically found useful in Internet marketing?
QB: The concept of Robert's that I like the most is the idea of financial intelligence.
"50% of financial intelligence is what you learn. It is the so-called technical knowledge about money, accounting, finance, investing and business. The other 50% of financial intelligence is knowing when you are thinking rationally and when you are thinking emotionally. To simply say, 'Play it safe.' is not a rational thought because it is a thought that is generated out of emotion. To say, 'Play it smart.' is a thought coming from the rational brain."
I am continually amazed that when many people get on the Internet they believe everything they are told. $10,000 a month with nothing down and nothing a month and people belive it. This goes against all common sense but I have seen it happen over and over again. Develop your skills and then work smart.
This was and still is great advice.
BizE-zine: Is your site earning well?
QB: It accounts for about 20% of my income at present.
BizE-zine: Has being outside America posed you any problems?
QB: Living outside the US presented a number of problems. At first it was really difficult because in Australia there was no way to really sell digital products on line.
The next problem that Internet non-US marketers face is the simple conversion of all those sales into the currency of your particular country. Here, the banks charge $10 a check and take 30 days to clear. If you are in a good affiliate program you can put a limit on your account so you won't get paid until you reach a certain amount. This buffers the expense a little.
I sell a lot of my own products so I have invested in Worldpay which allows me to sell in a number of currencies. They deposit directly into my bank account. It is a more expensive route but has proven a valuable tool over the last few months.
Paypal also let you have funds deposited directly into your account. I have used them for about two years and found them very helpful.
Another problem is trying to allow for the differences in language and culture. I try to Americanize my spellings, but sometimes words and phrases creep in that cause problems.
I remember I was talking about a boot in one of my pages in reference to a car and I got quite a few comments. A car boot in Australia is what Americans call the trunk.
The secret is to see problems as opportunities for success. If you can overcome them then you have a great tool to sell to people in your specific country. I am starting to do a lot more consulting because of what I have learnt. I think it is important to remember that your Internet business will build skills in you that are very saleable.
BizE-zine: I notice that your site is geared strongly for the Australian market, with pricing in AU$. Does this, do you think, restrict you, or is it a successful niche?
QB: Although we are now an International business, with the introduction of Worldpay, I am still trying to keep an Australian feel and culture to the business as lots of people seem to like the more relaxed atmosphere. We have a lot to offer.
BizE-zine: How long did it take you to start making a profit?
QB: Because I developed my own products and web sites I was in profit almost straight away. You see I have had a shift in my thinking. I was bought up to believe that you needed real estate and lots of money to make money. Since I started working on the Internet this whole way of thinking has changed.
BizE-zine: I'm certain that like most of us you are an avid reader of ebooks and courses. Which have been the most helpful to you?
QB: I'm almost embarrassed at how much I have bought. I was reading your interview with Jim Wilson and like him I have almost two hard drives full of ebooks and courses.
In the early days I believed any email that told me I could make thousands from nothing down and nothing a month. Unfortunately this has not proved to be the case and in most instances these companies are not around any more.
One company I joined back in those early days was called LEAP, run by Janet Wilson. It is now revamped and called Empowerism. It probably taught me more about online business than any other program.
Running a close second would have to be The Warrior site. One other business that has influenced me a lot is I have been an affiliate for nearly two years. They have consistently sent me information when others have dropped off.
Finally I guess Eva Almeida of has been a real inspiration. As I have mainly been involved in digital publication I appreciate her site and support.
BizE-zine: What has been your most successful tactic for generating traffic?
QB: Traffic generation is a tricky topic. My experience is that you need a balanced approach. If you make sure you control and track your marketing and try out everything, you learn what works for you. Then you can target your efforts.
I try anything to generate traffic. Lately, I have been advertising in local papers. There are so many new people looking for an Internet business at present, who do not get emails, that you need to target them in a different way. I give away a free ebook on disk in petrol stations and libraries, I have developed a free ebook all about Brisbane and give it to local restaurants and tourist centers.
The secret is to be different and develop your own unique way of driving traffic to your site. Your readers may like to look at our book on Brisbane. It really is a very simple concept anyone can do for their specific area. Just go online and find all the local businesses and services that are online and offer them a copy. Make it as generic as possible and offer to customize it for them. Download your copy from
BizE-zine: What has been your biggest mistake?
QB: The biggest mistake I have made is not believing in myself enough when I started out.
BizE-zine: Which software packages do you use to help you run your business?
QB: One I couldn't do without is Front Page 2000. I can make changes and update my site in a matter of minutes and then just click a button and it instantly becomes live.
I also use an old version of Paint Shop Pro which is easy to use. For my covers I use Compactdraw and my mailings I use Aurate.
BizE-zine: Do you have any plans to expand your online business, and if so, how?
QB: Always! My desire has always been to help Australians to develop local work. I am releasing a subscription site early this year to help them accomplish this and share my experiences and skills. Later in the year we will open this up to the International market. There are more and more businesses looking at developing new strategies that there is almost an unlimited potential to start a business in any field you are interested in.
We have some local Aborigines that have a site that sell didgeridoos. These are unique Australian native musical instruments and we have been using their affiliate program to sell to the Japanese. There really is no telling what will be available in the next few years.
I am always developing new ebooks and spend most of my time writing and developing new products or helping people with their dreams.
BizE-zine: What one piece of advice would you give to someone who is just planning to start out?
QB: The most important advice I can give to someone just starting out, no matter where you live, is passion. When everything is falling in around you and you are so frustrated because nothing seems to be happening you need something inside to keep you going and this is passion.
It's got to the stage now that if I never made another dime I would keep doing what I am doing because I have grown to love meeting new people and seeing all the different ideas that are being generated every day. So many of the home based businesses have much more going for them than the large corporate sites. The service is better and you can actually talk to someone and get advice.
To misquote the advertising campaign for Australia's Northern Territory: "You'll never never know if you never never (have a) go!"
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