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C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot
'Bridging the Gap' - A Novel Review
by C. Bailey-Lloyd

When Intuitive Consultant, Scott Christiansen presented me with "Bridging the Gap," I had no perception how profoundly liberating this spiritually enlightening passage would be.

I say, "passage," as Bridging the Gap is more than just another metaphysical book, it is a journey into the self - and positive exploration thereof. Additionally, Mr. Christansen's book demonstrates how to achieve conscious coexistence between human belief systems and metaphysical planes.

If one can manage to put this compelling novel aside long enough to investigate Chapter Eight's invitation, he will discover how to reinvent his entire essence of life and living.

Poignant: Bridging the Gap is an evolutional doorway revealing limits we place upon ourselves through preconceptual idealism and teachings; And explains how to constructively merge faith, intellect and the world of metaphysics into one, awakened spiritual being.

From his masterfully crafted words, Scott asks, "...Is the new you ready for your new life? Are you ready to create and manifest your own reality? Are you prepared to make the necessary changes in your lifestyle and choices to accomplish this? Are you ready to focus on the positive, eliminate the negative and give the best of your new knowledge to yourself and those you love? If the answer is yes, then I welcome you to your new life!"

In conclusion - persons who are actively seeking solutions to personal growth, life fulfillment and understanding to metaphysical realms and their interrelation to the Divine; Bridging the Gap is a must-have book.

To learn more about Scott Christansen or his book, Bridging the Gap go to Bridging the Gap is also available at local bookstores.

© Bridging the Gap - A Novel Review by C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer

[All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact the author for permission.]

About the Author

C. Bailey-Lloyd
aka. LadyCamelot
Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer

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