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C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot
'Palmistry for Fun and Profit' - A Remarkable Ebook Review
by C. Bailey-Lloyd

Per Hogset is quoted as saying, "How to Find Out ANYTHING about ANYONE in 5 Minutes or Less...Just By Looking at Their Palms (Even Things They Wouldn't Want You To Know...)." His words are undeniably, the most truthful accessment of his impressively-written ebook, Palmistry for Fun and Profit.

After having had the opportunity to read Per Hogseth's ebook, I found myself deluged in its informative and intriguing composition. Word for word, it was not only easy to understand, it presented me with enlightening insight into the world of palmistry and a definitive look into personal character traits, and how to utilize palmistry knowledge to further personal growth, happiness and life fulfillment.

Palmistry for Fun and Profit is an efficacious tool for those seeking to broaden their comprehension on how to read and decipher palms. Beginning with a knowledgable introduction of palm-reading and its vast history, Palmistry for Fun and Profit compels the student to read further and learn even more.

Comprised of detailed, palm-mapping images, Palmistry for Fun and Profit is likened to that of an educational course. It is a refined and smartly-written instructional publication on how to discover the diverse meanings of hand/finger size and shape, the independant variables in relation to Astrology, impressive line descriptions, and much more.

For the beginner, Palmistry for Fun and Profit, is an advantageous, learning instrument - not only enhancing scholarship to reveal one's own personal attributes, abilities and destiny; this ebook is an exemplary instructional manual on how to help others uncover their own personal career and lifepaths; including individual fate, love fulfillment, and numerous other points.

Additionally, Palmistry for Fun and Profit elaborates on how palmistry aptitude can be transformed into a lucrative business; and explains how to transition your acquired knowledge and practiced expertise into profit.

I would recommend Palmistry for Fun and Profit to individuals who are seeking a broader vision to their life purpose; and to those interested in turning their palmistry skills into a self-employed occupation.

To order his book or to learn more about Palmistry for Fun and Profit, feel free to peruse Mr. Per Hogseth's website at or you may contact Mr. Hogset for even more valuable information at:
Teglverksstunet 5c,
7048 Trondheim,
Norway or
via phone/email at: (011) 47 73 91 69 96 /

About Per Hogset:
Mr. Hogset is a professional palm reader, who at a young age, had an intuitive knack for magic and even hypnosis. A native of Norway, Per has extensive wisdom and practice of palm reading, and is currently teaching private courses. In addition, he frequents seminars where he is a professional speaker and provides consultations for many psychic associations in Norway. Today, he still practices private readings for clients, and sometimes renders magic performances.

Palmistry for Fun and Profit - A Remarkable Ebook Review
© 2004 - All Rights Reserved
by C. Bailey-Lloyd
aka. Lady Camelot
Public Relations Director
& Staff Writer
Email at:

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About the Author

C. Bailey-Lloyd
aka. LadyCamelot
Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer for &

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