With his Burn the Fat program, Tom Venuto, has developed the most scomprehensive and #1 best selling diet program on the web. A respected sprofessional bodybuilder, personal trainer and nutrition advisor, sVenuto takes a hard-core, no-nonsense approach to fat loss and smuscle gain. In fact, he claims that his program contains insider ssecrets used by professional bodybuilders and fitness models. A sclaim that isn't too difficult to swallow, since Tom is a successful sbodybuilder in his own right. s Why would you want to learn about fat loss from a s bodybuilder or fitness model? "The answer is obvious", says Tom, s "bodybuilders have mastered the art of shedding fat while maintaining s muscle. Conventional diets achieve fat loss at the expense of losing s muscle, which downgrades your metabolism. That’s one of the reasons s “diets” don’t work. I prefer to call this a nutrition program rather s than a diet". sWhat makes Burn The Fat more comprehensive than other weight loss sprograms on the market? sIn his introduction to the the book, Tom lays out a dozen reasons swhy "this program might just be the most powerful fat-burning system sever developed". He rather convincingly drives home each of these points sthroughout the program. s1. It is truthful, unbiased and objective. s2. It is not a very low calorie or starvation diet. s3. It is not just a nutrition program; it merges nutrition with sexercise - a combination essential for permanent fat loss. s4. It does not confuse weight loss with fat loss. s5. It is not a temporary “quick fix.” It teaches you new habits you scan maintain as a lifestyle. s6. It is not a generic “one-size-fits-all” program - it’s sindividualized for your goals and your body type. s7. It is not just about cosmetic improvements - it’s about your shealth. s8. It is simple. s9. It is simple - but it’s not easy. s10. It teaches you the secrets of goal setting and mind power to sachieve any goal you desire. s11. It is based on real food you can find right in your local ssupermarket - no supplements or shakes are required. s12. It is based on real world results. sRegarding the "diet" element of the program, there is not one "perfect sratio" of carbs to fats to proteins. Nor is Burn The Fat a shigh protein diet, or a low carb diet. The program teaches you how sto sdetermine your own ideal macronutrient ratio by analyzing your body stype (endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph), determining syour Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the daily calories your body needs sto maintain your current weight, and activity level, and assessing syour own tolerance to carbohydrates. Each of sus is a unique individual, and no one diet or macronutrient ratio swill work for everyone. Tom says the secret of the "magical nutrient sratio" is that there is no such thing as a "magical nutrient ratio". sThe only downside of Burn the Fat, it is that there is so much sinformation you can easily become overwhelmed by it all. Also, the Burn The Fat e-book comes with a hefty s$37 price tag, but at 340+ pages of in-depth information, it really smust be viewed as an investment in your health. Quite a bargain when syou consider it from that perspective. sOnline Programs sThe e-book is comprehensive, but the subscription-based sweb site has the special ingredient that Tom Venuto terms the, "Fifth Element", s it also includes s other tools such as meal splanners, shopping lists, diaries, trackers, community sforums, and many more. Subscription costs are $9.95 per month with no cancellation fees.sSee the sBurn The Fat Inner-Circle web site.s s sWhy This Diet?s sBurn The Fat is unique amongst diet programs - for the depth and breadth of s information and real-life examples that it provides. It is our top s choice because it comes the closest of any program we have seen to s meeting all of the principles that we believe the perfect weight loss s program should meet.Where to get it: ssBurn The Fat e-Book ssBurn The Fat Inner Circle Online Program |