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Clover Infotech is a leading technology services and solutions provider. Our expertise lies in supporting technology products related to Application, Database, Middleware and Infrastructure. We enable our clients to optimize their business through a combination of best industry practices, standard processes and customized client engagement models. Our core services include Technology consulting, Managed Services and Application Development services.

We help businesses deploy leading solutions from Oracle, Microsoft, Red Hat, and a vast number of popular Open Source solutions used in the enterprise today. Our expertise in harnessing the true potential of these technologies has enabled many enterprises in achieving significant savings.

Our team of young and dynamic professionals is passionate about technology. We follow an open work culture to encourage sharing and participation amongst team members at all levels. Our internal organizational structure consists of several teams working together, including sales (India and International), inside sales, marketing, finance, HR, training, administration and management.
Clover Academy is the training division of Clover Infotech. The motto of Clover Academy is "Continuous Learning" and we, at Clover Infotech constantly endeavor to make it happen. Clover Academy encompasses all employees.

The objective through Clover Academy is to align individual goal with organization goal. Clover Academy serves a dual purpose by benefiting the organization as well as the individual. It is a tool to bridge skill gaps and build capabilities to address our clients more efficiently. Apart from this, Clover Academy also helps us to attract, motivate and retain our employees.

For the employees, Clover Academy is a channel for planned career growth, continuous learning and building capabilities.
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