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Article Author:
James Ellis
FACT: Over 4,000 People Get Down Payment Assistance Gift Funds EVERY MONTH! Why Not You?

Why Haven't You Heard of These Programs?

Simply because the non profit, government, and private organizations that offer these funds do not advertise. They don't have large marketing budgets. Rather, their money goes to you - the homebuyer.

Many of the programs were created in the last 5 years or so due to changing laws for mortgage funding and housing.

You probably have heard the 'jokers' online who talk about having the "magical secret sources" for getting free money from the government and private organizations. The truth is, most of these people have never received a dime of this money. Shouldn't you trust someone who has actually done it?

To find out more just go to:

You will be shocked to see what is available to you.

Thank you
James Ellis
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