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1. Brinkburn
This stunning 12th Century Priory is set in a picturesque spot along the River Coquet. The church has been completely restored including a new roof making it a great building to visit while in Northumberland.

2. Lindisfarne
The Holy Island has been a place of pilgrimage for over 1,300 years. The island can only be accessed twice a day via a causeway that is submerged by the sea for most of the time. The main attractions on the quiet island are the castle, heritage center and priory.

3. Farne Islands
Bird lovers will probably already know about the Farne Islands but these sea swept islands are home to over 200,000 nesting birds and chicks during breeding season. If you take a trip to the islands you can expect to see terns, gulls, kittiwakes, razorbills, guillemots and puffins.

4. Belsay
This castle is set in thirty acres of wonderful landscaped gardens and grounds. As well as a castle, there is neoclassical hall that was built 500 years after it.

5. Woodhorn
Here you can visit the £16 million Woodhorn visitor attraction that allows you an insight into Northumberland's rich heritage. You can experience how important coal was to the area and see what life was like underground.

6. Cragside
Geordie inventor Lord Armstrong's gadget filled house was a wonder at its time but is a great visitor attraction. This house was the first in the world to be lit by hydro electric power. His estate includes Europe's largest hand made rock gardens and England's tallest Douglas fir.
Once you have finished looking around the house and grounds, you can take one of the forty miles of trails and walks.

7. Warkworth Castle
Warkworth castle sits above the River Coquet and is almost complete including its roof. Built at the end of the 14th Century, the grounds also have a great hall, chapel, fine gatehouse and mostly intact towered walls.

8. Berwick
Berwick is the most northerly town in England and is home to an impressive two mile walk around its fortified walls. Make sure you visit the three famous bridges that cross over the river tweed and the elegant Georgian streets in the town itself.

9. Wallington
Wallington mansion is set in Border Reiver country and has many fine collections and interiors. Surrounding the mansion is a hundred acres of lakes, woodlands and lawns. If you walk through the woods you can visit the walked garden which is open all year.

10. Alnmouth
This delightful holiday resort is the type of seaside village you expect to see on picture postcards. Once a busy seaport, a storm changed the course of River Aln which ended the grain exporters in the area. Now the area relies on tourism, but this isn't a problem as it is such a pretty area.

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